Google searches for the term ‘climate anxiety’ are at a five year high – having increased by more than 5000%.
So, what is climate anxiety? Bernadka Dubicka, chair of the Faculty of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the Royal College of Psychiatrists, says that whilst concern about the environment is natural, climate anxiety can become unhealthy with symptoms like a low mood, helplessness, anger, insomnia, panic and guilt.
Anxiety about climate change is something that affects 45% of young people. And of course, it’s something that affects adults too. All our work helps address global sustainability so it’s something we’re mindful about within our own team. We know it’s something many of our client’s experience too.
Underpinned by work from leading researchers and practitioners in the field, we’ve created a guide with six key strategies to ease eco-anxiety in young people (and all of us).
1. Stay truthful
2. Be there to listen
3. Do what you can to make a difference
4. Locate your network
5. Seek out good news too
6. Access the nature on your doorstep
Read the full guide here (PDF):